Welcome to my kitchen!
Hi, I’m Cristina!
Welcome to my little website, An Organic Wife.
I’m 27 years old, and up until about four years ago, I was eating whatever I wanted. I thought I was a good wife by making my husband dinner every night. At least we weren’t eating too much fast food! We ate meals from a box, frozen chicken from factory farms, and Pillsbury biscuits out of a can were one of our favorites.
I didn’t know at all that what I was buying from the grocery store could be harmful. Then I saw the movie Food, Inc. which opened my eyes to the food system in America and factory farms. From then on I spent hours upon hours doing all the research I could about the real story behind what we eat.
Three years later, we are now about 100% organic. I now know that healthy fats are essential, and we generously consume grass-fed butter, coconut oil, grass-fed beef tallow, and more. I ferment “weird” things like water kefir, kombucha, and sauerkraut because they provide good bacteria for the gut. We buy local, pastured chicken and grass-fed beef because it’s sustainable as well as good for you. I lovingly bake bread using heirloom wheats like spelt and einkorn because they haven’t been hybridized to be so hard to digest. I make everything from scratch, and I do mean everything!
On the personal side, I’ve been married to the love of my life for 4 years now. He makes what I do possible! We live in Oklahoma City with our overgrown labrador retriever.
You can contact me at anorganicwife@gmail.com